Monday, July 11, 2011

After the weekend

The weekend was much better than how we had ended the week.  The kids got to run around outside and play, because a couple of times, there was actually enough sunshine to do so.

And active kids are much better behaved kids.

(Your kids are brats?  Make them run around outside!  Make them play!  No tv!  No video games!  ACTIVITY IS THE KEY (and the secret to regular bowel movements.)

But I digress.

Yesterday did end with a horrendous storm, and because we were hauling Sprogs out to an event, we all got soaked.  Not cool.

Plan for this week?  Survival.  I don't know what the weather is going to be like.  I want, nay, I need sunshine.  And lots of it.  I want the Sprogs to be able to burn around at the park, and have fun!

Isn't that what summer is supposed to be all about?

What does everyone else do for the summer?

No vacations planned for this family this summer... but we'll do lots at home.  We'll pull out the 9-man tent, pack up two vehicles (dependent on how many Sprogs we have that day), and head out camping.  Or we'll go to the lake, if the mosquitoes aren't too bad.  Even little things, like "lets go to the creek and find pretty rocks" can be fun.

Mostly, we'll play it by ear, and carry on.  Avoid bug bites and sunburn to the best of our abilities.  And, prep the older Sprogs for returning to school... reading stories, practising math (yes, these things do happen in my house from time to time!), and even do a few art projects while the weather is bad (which I suspect will not be a rarity this summer).

One project I have planned?  Make a 'craft box'.  I have random crafting items all over the house, and they need a home... so I'm going to have the Sprogs help decorate a box to contain them.  It's a big enough project to fill an afternoon, and I should have enough random supplies to get it done!  Plus, it'll let me figure out what else we need to refill in our supply box!

WIN/WIN --- woot!

1 comment:

  1. I agree!! My son loves to be outside all day and behaves better, once he's released some of that energy.

    Stopping by from Mom Blog Monday and am your newest follower ;-)



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